Saturday, February 19, 2011

Do you know a good book that’ll have pictures of Hawaiian tattoos designs that’ll define the symbols?

I went to but you have to pay at least $150 to get your own Hawaiian tattoo that I don’t want to pay for and its driving me mad that I can’t find a book that’ll have cool designs that’ll define its self.


  1. go into a tattoo shop with a basic consept of what u want. ask to look at their portfolios and flash to see what they have, once you see one or two pieces you like the artist (if he/she is a real artist) should be able to come up with a sketch and stencil that you and him/her can agree on doing.

  2. i dont know about a book but you could check out they have a wide variety of tattoo ideas as a reference

    p.s. if you ever want a word tatted on check out thats got some cool stuff too.
